Meditation with Bhante Sujato
- Meditation with Bhante Sujato Come and discover the sweetness of meditation followed by a discussion led by Bhante Sujato, abbot of the Santi Forest Monastry, Bundanoon. The main focus of this session is Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta Bhavana) and the associated benefits. Bhante Sujato will take you on a journey to explore the paths of tranquility so you experience the peace from within. Have your questions answered with a pragmatic approach to the challenges around us. Join the group at 3.30pm for a 4pm start. (Refreshments from 3.30 to 4pm) When: Saturday the 26th of November, from 4 to 6pm Where: Gloria Jean’s Coffee House 103 George Street Parramatta 2120 Cost: FREE Refreshments provided. Places are strictly limited and Bookings essential. Bookings at Above Gloria Jean’s or SMS 0403273152 or just reply to this email What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon?
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